API  is a very powerful Automatic Product Integrator entirely ideated, designed and developed by OmniaSolutions.

API  helps you to standardize your products and automatically generate 3D models and 2D drawings.

Main features of our  API  product :

  •  Use of WebGL to render 3D models

  •  Automatic generation of BOM into ERP and PLM Systems

  •  Automatic generation of 3D documents and 2D drawings

  •  Integrations with the major CAD Products

Try It Now ..

Qt Configuration Client
Easely edit your own configuration structure with a smart and attractive  Qt interface!


We are proud to have been Ambassadors since 2009 !

Rules definition

API relies on the great power of Python to create each rule.

This allows you to create powerfull and complex Python scripts to easeley manage your configuration models.

Real Time 3d Web Interface

Using the power of WebGl, API is able to render in a 3d web enviroment the content of the configuration in real time.


API is fully integrated 

with the most popular commercial Cads